Welcome back to the final coming up this week of the term! Thank you for following this series along, and thank you for all your contributions this term.. We hope to see this series continue into the following terms. There’s lots to choose from this week ranging from Refugee Law to food security and more! As always, Information about the event is taken from event pages and is correct at time of publishing – Please do check the pages directly in case of changes in time or venue. Without further ado, read on for our lineup this week!
Cambridge: City of Scholars, City of Refuge (1933-1945); Thursday 5th March 2020; 9:00 – 17:00:
Hosted by: CRASSH and Insiders Outsiders Festival
Venue: Winstanley Lecture Hall, Trinity College, Cambridge
About the event: This conference is the first attempt to begin to reconstruct the story of the way Cambridge — university, colleges, and town — became a sanctuary for persecuted academics from Fascist Europe in the years 1933-1945. Papers will range widely across the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, both focusing on well-known refugee academics and also drawing attention to the experience of those marginalised or neglected: students, women, and scholars who never found their way here professionally. We will also look at the individuals, institutions and households that enabled escape and rescue, as well as at the evacuation from Nazi Germany to Cambridge of material resources of scholarly value.Confirmed speakers include: Nicolas Bell, Monica Bohm-Duchen, Amanda Hopkinson, Marion Kant, John Krebs, Mike Levy, Samuel Llano, Rosamond McKitterick, Katarina Mihaljević, Daniel Snowman, Annette Vogt and Stephen Wordsworth.
Teach Out: Racism, Eugenics and the University; Thursday 5th March 2020; 14:30 – 16:30:
Hosted by: Cambridge UCU
Venue: Emmanuel United Reformed Church, Cambridge
About the event: Just as universities function as a critical force against racism in society, they are also places where racial injustice and racial forms of discrimination are strongly felt. In this UCU teach-out, they will discuss the way in which racisms is normalised and legitimised within the University, as a political project. The speakers will also discuss how marketisation of research, through neoliberal administration of research grants and withdrawal of public funding, weakens universities natural defence wall against discredited ideas of eugenics and racism.
Lessons and Hope from the Front Lines; Thursday 5th March 2020; 19:00 – 22:00:
Hosted by: Cambridge Climate Lecture Series
Venue: Winstanley Lecture Hall, Trinity College, Cambridge
About the event: The search for high-traction climate-campaign action: lessons and hopes after 25 years on the front lines.Jeremy Leggett is a social entrepreneur and writer. He is founder and a director of Solarcentury, one of the world’s most respected solar energy companies, winner of a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation. He has been described in the Observer as “Britain’s most respected green energy boss.” He is also founder and chair of SolarAid, a charity set up with Solarcentury profits, winner of a BITC Unilever Global Development Award. An Entrepreneur of the Year at the New Energy Awards, he was the first Hillary Laureate for International Leadership in Climate Change. His vision is of a renaissance in civilisation aided or even triggered by renewable energy and its intrinsic social benefits. Leggett has called for a rapid strategic withdrawal from fossil fuels and argues that coal should be left in the ground. Leggett has been critical of the lack of reporting by the British mainstream media on the economic imperatives of climate change abatement. He is also known for his support of microgeneration technology in the fight to abate global warming. Recently, Leggett has spoken in depth about the great dangers of allowing carbon assets to be viewed at zero risk of impairment if promised action on climate change does take place.
George Mallory: from Student to Mountaineer; Thursday 5th March 2020; 11:00 – 13:00:
Hosted by: Magdalene College and Magdalene College Libraries
Venue: Magdalene College Old Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge
About the event: The March exhibition will focus on George Mallory: from Student to Mountaineer. An exploration of George Mallory’s life from his undergraduate days at Magdalene College (1905-1909) to his final expedition to Everest in 1924. Distinct from the Pepys Library, the Old Library has housed the historic books of the College in First Court since the fifteenth century, in what was the medieval Prior’s residence.As well as enjoying the historic, book-lined rooms, Visitors will see displays of items from the College’s special collections and archives, which are not normally seen in public.
Cambridge University Public Seminar: Emotion and Refugee Law; Friday 6th March 2020; 12:00 – 14:00:
Hosted by: Katrin Wittig
Venue: Harrods Room Emmanuel College
About the event: “You have to know how to analyze tears”: Asylum procedures and the evaluations of suffering. Asylum procedures repeatedly come down to the credibility of the people seeking refugee status. Working with a limited range of verifiable facts, refugee adjudicators need to determine the truthfulness of the applicants’ accounts. This presentation will look at the truth effects of the applicant’s body on determinations of credibility and fear of persecution. It will show the complex interplay between emotional displays and oral testimony in the attribution of refugee status.
We need to talk, Period; Friday 6th March 2020; 18:00 – 19:15:
Hosted by: Hughes Ents
Venue: Hughes Hall, Wollaston Road, CB1 2EW
About the event: With International Women’s Day on the 8th this a perfect time to start a conversation about periods. Some of the topics they hope to cover are: Periods – a global health issue, periods at home – the war on period poverty in the UK and, periods – an environmental issue.
Disease X, Covid-19, and Ebola: CUOHS 2020 Conference; Saturday 7th March 2020; 10:00 – 15:00:
Hosted by: Cambridge University One Health Society
Venue: Dirac Room, Fisher Building, St John’s College, Cambridge
About the event: Attention to anyone with an interest in global health! The Cambridge University One Health Society Conference is back for 2020, on the highly relevant topic of ‘Emerging Viral Diseases’. Speakers include Professor Jonathan Heeney (Head of the Laboratory of Viral Zoonotics at the University of Cambridge) talking about his work on vaccines, Dr Sarah Caddy (from the MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Biology) talking about her experience in the Ebola epidemic, Dr Freya Jephcott (from the Disease Dynamics Unit, Department of Veterinary Medicine) talking about COVID-19, and Dr Greg Dickins talking innovations in tackling emerging diseases, and the human-primate interface.
More light than heat: using data to gain insight into disease transmission; Monday 9th March 2020; 18:00 – 19:00:
Hosted by: Cambridge Science Festival, in partnership with Cambridge University Press.
Venue: Mill Lane Lecture Rooms (MLLR), 8 Mill Lane, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
About the event: In 2020, the bicentenary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, Professor Christl Donnely, Imperial College London, takes a long view of using data visualisation and analysis to inform policymakers about how diseases spread, how control measures are working (or not working) and who is at greatest risk.
50 years is not long enough: with Professor Dame Athene Donald; Tuesday 10th March; 18:00 – 19:15:
Hosted by: Cambridge Science Festival
Venue: Clare College, Cambridge
About the event: Why do we still have a significant gender pay gap and only 20% female professors? What can we do to speed up progress? We need to look both backwards and forwards if we are to achieve true gender equality. To mark International Women’s Day, Professor Dame Athene Donald addresses these statements and discusses them in conversation with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stephen J Toope.
Once upon a food system; Tuesday 10th March 2020: 19:15 – 21:00:
Hosted by: Cambridge Science Festival
Venue: Student Services Centre, Bene’t Street Cambridge, CB2 3PT
About the event: How can our food tackle global challenges like the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and world hunger? Join Global Food Security’s Maia Elliott and bestselling author/BBC presenter Dr Adam Rutherford for a unique scientific storytelling event, where five scientists are challenged not only to inform food system change, but to inspire it.