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Home » Blog » Thursday 20th February – Wednesday 26th February 2020:

Thursday 20th February – Wednesday 26th February 2020:

Here is this week’s line up for the top geography related events! We’ve got everything covered from fast-fashion, geopolitics, climate change and pineapples! Make sure you check out the Facebook events for the items listed below as some require a ticket! As always please feel free to share any events with us that you think are of interest to your fellow geographers. 

COP26, Climate Justice & Law; Thursday 20th February 2020; 19:00 – 22:00: 

Hosted by: Cambridge Climate Lecture Series

Venue: Winstanley Lecture Hall, Trinity College, Cambridge

About the event: A lecture from Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, a world-class academic, legal expert and policy innovator in climate change and sustainable development. She is a full professor of international law at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and a fellow of the Balsillie School of International Affairs, who also serves as Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) CoP25 Climate Law & Governance Initiative, Senior Director of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), Chair of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) Biodiversity Law and Governance Initiative, and on the boards of the International Law Association of Canada and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) of Canada. 

Power, Promise, Politics: The Pineapple from Columbus-Del Monte; Friday 21st February 2020; 9:00 – 17:30: 

Hosted by: CRASSH

Venue: The Sainsbury Laboratory Auditorium (Cambridge University Botanic Garden); The Bateman Auditorium (Gonville and Caius College)

About the event: This interdisciplinary conference brings together academics from the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences as well as museum professionals and artist-practitioners to investigate the understudied tensions between the representational power of the pineapple and the political contexts of its production around the globe, thereby making connections between the global and local which are at the heart of contemporary debates about the nature and origins of the food that we eat. This conference will build on some of the exhibition themes but expand them beyond its early modern and Eurocentric framework, by engaging with new historical writing on global history, which emphasizes the connected histories of commodities which do not always place Europe at its centre.

Race, Ethnicity & the Border Regime; Friday 21st February 2020; 17:00-18:30: 

Hosted by: CUSU BME Campaign 

Venue: Lucia Windsor Room, Newnham College, Cambridge

About the event: Join Maya Goodfellow, Lola Olufemi and Oge Obioha as they discuss the racialisation of citizenship in the UK. Chaired by Cambridge student Howard Chae, this discussion panel will explore the intricacies of BME British identity, the interaction between BME and immigrant identity in relation to border regimes and structural violence, and the weaponisation of PREVENT against Muslim and brown students within universities.

James Forsyth: The re-alignment of British Politics; Friday 21st February 2020; 17:00 – 18:30: 

Hosted by: Robinson College Politics Society

Venue: Room TBC, Robinson College, Cambridge. 

About the event: A graduate of Jesus College, James Forsyth is one of the most immediately recognisable political journalists in the UK today. In a long and distinguished career he has written for the Mail on Sunday and The Sun, and is currently political editor of The Spectator. Famed for his incisive analysis, James will be discussing the extraordinary re-alignment of British politics. With more working class people voting Tory than Labour, and with Labour’s Red Wall crumbling at the feet of Boris Johnson’s campaign to ‘Get Brexit Done’, he will ponder whether we have reached a seminal point of British politics that will be examined for generations to come – or a blip on the radar that will be swiftly forgotten.

Henry VIII and the First Brexit – David Starkey; Friday 21st February 2020; 17:00 – 18:50: 

Hosted by: CLIO –  Cambridge University History Society

Venue: Fitzwilliam College Auditorium, Storey’s Way, Cambridge.

About the event: Renowned constitutional historian David Starkey will be giving a talk on ‘Henry VIII and the First Brexit’. Who said historians were stuck in the past? Heffers will be running a bookstall, and Professor Starkey will be signing books before and after the talk. Heffers accept both cash and card. Entry for Balloted Ticket Holders (via the Google Form) from 17:00 and entry for Non-Ticket Holders from 17:20.

University of Cambridge Friends of MSF Conference 2020; Saturday 22nd February 2020; 9:45 – 17:00: 

Hosted by: Friends of MSF, Cambridge

Venue: Pembroke College, Cambridge 

About the event: The University of Cambridge Friends of MSF conference on : Ethical Issues in Humanitarian Aid.

With a range of speakers from diverse backgrounds, panel discussion and workshops, this event offers an invaluable opportunity to think about some important issues from new angles, network and – for those of you worrying about your CV – add another certificate to your portfolio! 

Fashion in the Age of Climate Change Panel; Monday 24th February 2020; 17:00 – 18:00: 

Hosted by: The Cambridge Union and Cambridge University Charity Fashion Show

Venue: The Cambridge Union, 9A Bridge Street, CB21 Cambridge,

About the event: A Panel Discussion on Fast Fashion, Digital Innovation, Greenwashing & More. This event is for Members of the Cambridge Union Society, and the Cambridge University Charity Fashion Show Society. With this CUCFS x The Cambridge Union panel hope to launch a productive discussion around the ongoing issues and challenges that the fashion industry still faces in incorporating actual sustainable and environmentally-conscious practices and structures. Speakers include: Leanne Elliott Young (co-founder of CommuneEAST) and Clare Farrel (co-founder of the environmental action group Extinction Rebellion). 

The Pacific Arctic in the Geo-Economics of 21st Century Eurasia; Monday 24th February 2020; 17:30 – 19:30: 

Hosted by: Cambridge Forum on Geopolitics

Venue: Nihon Room, Pembroke College, Cambridge

About the event: Tim Reilly is a PhD candidate at the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge, and is investigating the Sino-Russian energy relationship in the Eurasian Arctic and its link to the Asia Pacific Rim. The emerging re-configuration of Eurasia has evoked a renewed interest in great power geopolitics; whilst this framework is necessary to explain the historical footprint of the continent, is it sufficient to understand Eurasia’s emerging actors’ drivers, the impact of global economic developments on Eurasian connectivity and linkage; and the effect of Arctic climate change on the shape of governance of the continent?

Global Imaginaries Through the Ages: A gloknos Reading Group; Monday 24th February 2020; 15:00 – 17:00: 

Hosted by: Centre for Global Knowledge Studies – gloknos and CRASSH

Venue: Centre for Global Knowledge Studies – gloknos, 7 West Road, Cambridge 

About the event: This reading group is a collective endeavour to investigate, interpret, and discuss imaginaries of the global in different sites and especially in different times. We will chronologically go through eight periods of human history, from the ‘first societies’ of the ‘Neolithic agricultural revolution’ to the ‘Classics’, ‘Middle Ages,’ and ‘Modernity’. The question in focus will be how collectives and individuals in these respective periods of history have conceived themselves in, and in relation to, the world. What was their imaginary of the global?

Designs for a refugee shelter rooftop; Tuesday 25th February 2020; 17:30 – 19:00: 

Hosted by: The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement

Venue: Room B3, Cambridge University Institute of Criminology

About the event: Designs for a refugee shelter rooftop – the urgent questions surrounding the shelter of refugees in cities. In August 2019, a collaborative summer school between students at the University of Cambridge and the Technical University Berlin engaged with the protracted spatial issues refugee shelters face in Berlin. Participants were tasked with creating a temporary intervention on a rooftop terrace in an institutional shelter in Berlin.

In this event the students will present and facilitate open discussion about the outcomes of the project and the profound questions surrounding the presence of refugees in the urban fabric.

Sustainability in Healthcare; Tuesday, 25 February 2020; 18:30-19:30: 

Hosted by: Cambridge University One Health Society and Students for Global Health Cambridge

Venue: Dirac Room, Fisher Building, St John’s College, Cambridge

About the event: Cambridge University One Health Society and Students for Global Health Cambridge bring you talk on Sustainability in Healthcare Systems by Dr James Smith (a public health expert in Cambridge and has worked as the Assistant Director for Public Health Studies for the University, as a public health consultant, and at Public Health England in establishing the Sustainability Programme). 

Talk: Brian Eversham – BCN Wildlife Trusts; Wednesday 26th February 2020; 18:30 – 19:30: 

Hosted by: Fitz Ethical Affairs

Venue: The Trust Room, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. About the event: Climate change is usually discussed on a global scale, but how does it affect the local wildlife we know and love? On Wednesday the 26th of February, Brian Eversham, the CEO of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire will be giving a short talk on questions like: how has wildlife responded to past climates? How are plants and animals being affected now? And what does the future hold and what should we do about it?

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